Thursday, June 30, 2011

More is NOT always better

I've been stuck on Week 9 of my plan for quite awhile now, longer than a week.  I've warned you that this is likely to happen.  A couple of weeks into it, The Balanced Embouchure Method by Jeff Smiley arrived and I started with it.  Using his tricks with my lessons seemed to be a magical mix.  I was so inspired I started playing one session in the morning before work and another at night when I got home.  I still seemed to be stuck at certain points in the lesson.  Then I read about a new exercise program that reinforced to me the importance of RESTING.  Now I've cut back to once a day and only five days a week of the lessons, but I'm noticing improvement in just the past two days.  So once again, more is NOT always better, but persistence is.

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