Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Secret to Building Range and Endurance

This is the first in a series of 'secrets' I'm giving away to prepare you for becoming the player you've always dreamed of being.  The truth is that this awesome player is and has been in you all along.  You were born with it, everybody is.  This is no secret.  We know it when we take the time to look inside.  The first 'secret' to be revealed is this:  "Take Action"!  That's it!  The 'secret' to accomplishing any goal in life is that you HAVE to take action and DO SOMETHING.  You won't become a better player while you are sitting in front of the TV, drinking beer.  Now I work in TV as a day job, so I'm not saying "Don't watch TV.", but you will have to set some time aside to actually practice your horn IF YOU WANT TO GET BETTER.  To succeed, you need to have: a) specialized knowledge, that is b) intelligently organized.  "16 Weeks to Killer Chops" is all that and more.  It's also "FUN", so it makes you want to practice, so you 'take action' and become a better player.  To 'take action' click on the link below.